World leading healthtech app Pregnancy Tracker starts new “blockchain generation”.

Baby Token
2 min readMay 13, 2020

One of the world’s most popular pregnancy tracking mobile apps — Pregnancy Tracker announced the launch of its own cryptocurrency — Baby Token.

Founded in 2016 Pregnancy Tracker is a healthtech app for expectant mothers. The app allows tracking pregnancy week-by-week and provides clinically approved medical recommendations vetted by the World Health Organization and the American association of gynecologists and obstetricians.

“Currently, every month Pregnancy Tracker is used by more than 1.5 million users, while the total number of downloads exceeded 10 million. Our mobile app is available in 7 different languages, including English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Korean and French” says Evgeniy Zhiharev, the CEO of Pregnancy Tracker company.

Baby token, Pregnancy Tracker’s native digital money, will change the way users interact with the app and make it easier for users to monetize their loyalty. For example, famous brands such as P&G and Bayer that currently advertise their products on Pregnancy Tracker’s platform will be able to reward users for content creation and sharing their consumer insights via surveys.

“Within the next 18 months Pregnancy Tracker plans to open a mobile shop and a telemedicine platform that will accept Baby Tokens as a means of payment. This will be one of the first cases of using cryptocurrency in telemedicine,” Zhiharev explained.

Since in 2019 Pregnancy Tracker has been experimenting with loyalty points and rewarded users who used the app every day. “However, launching Baby Tokens on blockchain means that users will be able to truly own their rewards and can take them anywhere, for example, they can sell Baby Tokens on a cryptocurrency exchange or save them on a third-party custody platform,” says Almir Salimov, the IR Director of the company.

“We are very excited about the impact we can possible make on a global blockchain community, currently heavily dominated by male users, by familiarizing millions of women with cryptocurrencies and giving them opportunities to earn and pay with crypto,” continues Salimov. “Since 2019 we opened over 500,000 cryptocurrency wallets for our users and their children. For millions of people Baby Token will become the first ever currency that they are going to use. Our goal is to start a new “blockchain generation” — a new generation of people who are born with crypto and can use it from a very early age”.

